Planatome’s blade technology starts with the knowledge that a sharp edge and a smooth surface finish are essential for surgeons who need to control incisions. The company’s blades are far superior to traditional scalpels, which are sharpened by grinding, leaving jagged, inconsistent edges.

Technology Advancements in Surgical Blades
- Chemical mechanical planarization
- Nano-polished to the molecular level
- Average surface roughness 1,000xless than conventional blades
The Planatome Story
By applying technology from the semiconductor industry, Planatome has delivered the first technological advancement for surgical blades in nearly 100 years. Using CMP, the company has optimized blade bevels and edges to near-atomic perfection. The result is an ultra-smooth, precise blade that allows surgeons unprecedented control of surface incisions with clean margins for better access and easier closing.

Compared to Conventional blades

Clinical Studies
Effects of an Ultra-Polished Scalpel on Incisional Wounds in a Diabetic Model
Scalpel edge roughness affects post-transection peripheral nerve regeneration
Highly Polished Scalpel Blades Reduce Incisional Wound Scar Variability in Duroc Pigs

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